Fantastic Four: The End

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Michael P
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Fantastic Four: The End

Post by Michael P »

The first issue comes this wednesday, November 1st, and the previews are amazing. A preview for issue 2 was put out today and it looks even better than issue 1.

Alan, I know you can't spoil much, but I've got a burning question. I see that in Fantastic Four: The End, Franklin is an adult. Is there any possibility of seeing Rachel Summers cameo? I know this is Fantastic Four, but considering the history between Rachel and Franklin, I figured she just might show up.

I also wanted to know what the colorist's name is, that is if you know. Do you get to choose the colorist on your personal projects like these, since I know bad coloring is a pet peeve of yours.

Anyways, just wanted to say it looks great.

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Post by wonderdallas »

This first issue is classic Davis! There's a slow setup that promises alot of fun down the road. I'm thrilled to finally be on another all Alan adventure.

One thing I noticed a few pages in was the inking. It was sketchier than usual and I was wondering if Davis' (and/or Farmer's) style was evolving or if there was a new inker. On the cover it says Mark Farmer but the credits are all Davis. On page 9, panel 4, She-Hulk's close-up has a rougher ink that the usual Davis/Farmer look and the following panel had She-Hulk's hand looking alittle pointy. I guess I'm wondering who the inker was. Davis' work could be inked with a mop and it'd be gorgeous!

Another thing I noticed..... What is Valeria pointing at just before the explosion? Is there something to it or is not? Mr. Davis? Any clue?

With MUCH admiration,
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Post by wonderdallas »

Oh, and P.S. The "Rough Cut" edition was already bagged and marked at about $10 before they hit the shop's shelves! :( If I thought Alan was getting any of that cash, I'd have bought it.
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Post by Ilke »

Thought I'd throw my two cents in on a few things -

Michael P, the colorist's name is John Kalisz, and he (deservedly) got a credit on the cover too.

wonderdallas, I believe the lack of Mark Farmer's name appearing in the credits within the issue was simply an omission. I picked up the Rough Cut and Alan's pencils are very tight - my guess is that if Alan was going to ink it himself, he wouldn't go quite so tight on the pencils. Plus, time is saved by having someone else provide the inks - Alan writing, pencilling AND inking would have likely meant a later release for this project. Plus...well, Mark Farmer is a really good inker who, in my opinion, gives Alan's art that finished look, that added extra 'oomph'!

Regarding She-Hulk's 'pointy' hand on page 9 - that's how Alan had drawn her hand, as seen in the Rough Cut. In fact, Farmer's inks are very faithful to Alan's pencils.

My guess with Valeria is that she's not 'pointing' per se - perhaps she's reaching out to her mother, just as Sue appears to be reaching out to Valeria in the panel foreground.

And just a note about the Rough Cut - it does feature the same captions and word balloons as the standard edition. I actually would have preferred the pencils appear in the Rough Cut without any 'obstruction,' but maybe that's just me.
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Post by MikeG »

This book is beautiful and represents everything that is great about the comic book industry. If more books had this high quality production value the industry would be in a better place.
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Post by Ilke »

The preview pages for Fantastic Four: The End #2 (mentioned by Michael P in an earlier post) can be seen at

The issue itself will be out on November 22nd.
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Post by Entropy »

Typically I'm not a big FF, but knowing Mr. Davis was both writing and drawing...well, i couldn't resist.

And was it ever worth it! Both the art and writing were terrific. I now have to decide whether i want to pick it up in trade or just get all the issues.
RIP Kurt Vonnegut and Lloyd Alexander.

Insanity is all in the mind.
Michael P
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Post by Michael P »

Entropy wrote:Typically I'm not a big FF, but knowing Mr. Davis was both writing and drawing...well, i couldn't resist.

And was it ever worth it! Both the art and writing were terrific. I now have to decide whether i want to pick it up in trade or just get all the issues.
Same here, but since it has the Avengers and Inhumans as well, its hard not to read it! It was so well written and drawn.

I love all the children that Alan created. Can't wait for issue 2, which comes out pretty soon!
Matt Platis
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Post by Matt Platis »

I get my comics shipped to me once a month (no stores around here). Sadly I have to wait a couple of more weeks to read it. :(

So looking forward to it. I bought an extra copy of the rough draft to give to my friend who is a huge Alan fan as well.
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Post by DungeonmasterJim »

Looks like my local comic shop blew it and never gave me mine for my pull list. Guess I shouldn't have stopped being the pull list guy grunt. :lol:

I was able to get a 'Rough Cut' off the shelf. It looks pretty sweet. Maybe even better than the colord cover I saw on line.

DM Jim
Gordon Somers
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Post by Gordon Somers »

My one complaint for the Rough Cut - different from any other Rough Cuts I have - is that they icluded the lettering over the pencilled artwork. Really put me off it a bit - it's now hard to look at the actual issue and look at Mark Farmer's inking because I didnt need to read it. Also, it made having the tight plot a bit pointless as well.
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Post by wonderdallas »

SPOILERS!!!!!! FF: the End #4

aHA! I was right....Valeria's "point" was no accident. That's one thing I LOVE about Alan's work..... he's just so meticulous. Nothing in his art seems to be an accident or superfulous. Plus there are just so many hints peppered throughout. "She-Hulk's" sudden lack of a PEG was subtle and I hoped she would be the Super-Skrull! Yeah!

Through out this series I kept wondering who would be "THE" villian. As is Alan's M.O., he's definately pulled out all the stops and have graced us with many villians big enough to be the big bad but I'm counting on a BIGGER BAD to be the true puppet master.

Thank's Alan for bringing us such a classic FF tale.

Matt Platis
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Post by Matt Platis »

I just got issue #3 in the mail. Great issue, Alan draws the best Galactus!
Michael P
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Post by Michael P »

Alan, is Ayesha the child of Carol Danvers, Genis-Vell or Mar-Vell? Does she have a codename? Is she the new Captain Marvel.
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Post by Lesfer »

Amazing work... simply amazing.

The best thing about Alan is that his current art looks as fantastic as his art from 20 years ago.

Unlike artists as Byrne, Chaykin, Adams and Perez.

This is a real Master.
Congrats, Alan, and thank you for always presenting a high-quality work.