Handbook A-Z

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Handbook A-Z

Post by Ilke »

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #2 includes two profiles attributing artwork to Alan Davis. The first profile features a (badly) redrawn Captain UK, based on Alan's depiction of her from the cover of Captain Britain #14. The second profile is of Cerise and features an illustration that doesn't even resemble Alan's art, so I would say it's by (or based on the work of) a different artist.
Alan Davis
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Post by Alan Davis »

The OHMU editor told me that he believed I deserved to be credited with any work which has been 'resourced' (traced or composed) from an image I had originally drawn. While I appreciate the good intention behind this gesture, as I explained in the posting on my website 'Credit where Credit's due?', I don't regard any image that does not utilise the original line work as my work-- And I have asked not to be credited for the 'swiped' images in future.

The Cerise image was drawn by Chris Marrinan and Audwynn Newman but mistakenly credited to me.

Darren Taylor
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Post by Darren Taylor »

Alan Davis wrote:The OHMU editor told me that he believed I deserved to be credited with any work which has been 'resourced' (traced or composed) from an image I had originally drawn. While I appreciate the good intention behind this gesture, as I explained in the posting on my website 'Credit where Credit's due?', I don't regard any image that does not utilise the original line work as my work-- And I have asked not to be credited for the 'swiped' images in future.
That's got to be a dangerous line to walk though!? Surely that's then open to abuse on their part, should they feel so inclined? [Just worried about your rights]

Surely as a matter of common sense the Editor would cite the artist in the Handbook and some notation that it was based on -this- drawing by -this- artist!?

Otherwise someone is losing a credit, either you [in this instance] or the artist that traced your original composition. Both, IMO are responcinle for the second image, you for the 'template' and the new artist for the execution.

I'd hate to see Marvel now run around swiping from Alan's back catalogue [shudders at the potential horrors that could lead to] Why they didn't just do a "new" drawing of the character I will never know.
Robin Riggs
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Post by Robin Riggs »

Darren Taylor wrote:Why they didn't just do a "new" drawing of the character I will never know.
With projects like this they probably don't have a budget for any new art so they just get someone in production to trace an image that's almost what they want.
-- Robin.

See my portfolio online at
Darren Taylor
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Post by Darren Taylor »

Don't they have any -in-house- artists for precisely -that- sort of thing!?

Imagine that, a company who sells a product that they don't have a craftsperson on site to produce/alter or otherwise advise, should there be a need!


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Post by Ilke »

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #3 (released March 22nd) includes a small inset illustration in the Death profile attributed to Alan. Near as I can tell, this reprint illo is indeed by Alan and not simply based on his art.
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Post by Ilke »

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #4 (released April 26th) includes reprint illustrations of Feron and the Fury by Alan. While the Fury illo is attributed to Alan, the artist credit is missing from the Feron profile.

Looking at the above sentence, I just realized...Marvel's next 'buddy' book in the vein of 'Cable and Deadpool' should be 'Feron and the Fury.' Or...maybe not.
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Post by Ilke »

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #5 (released May 31st) includes a small inset illustration in the H.E.R.B.I.E. profile attributed to Alan. The 'Mad Jim' Jaspers profile in this issue does not have an artist credit, but the illo of Jaspers looks as though it may be based on Alan's art.
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Post by Ilke »

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #6 (released June 28th) includes a profile of Kylun with NO artist credit, although the main illustration looks like it's based on Alan's art. There's also a small inset illo of the character as a young boy which I would say is a reprint of a panel drawn by Alan, but this piece doesn't have an artist credit either.
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Post by Ilke »

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #7 (released July 26th) includes profiles of Mastermind, Merlyn and Micromax. No artists are credited for these 3 profiles, but it looks like the illustrations are based on Alan's art.
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Post by Ilke »

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #8 (released August 30th) includes an illustration of the Presence attributed to Alan (taken from Alan's Avengers run).

Also, the main illo in this issue's Night Raven profile is based on Alan's art, but there is no artist credit for the illo. The Davis drawing it's based on can be seen at www.alandavis-comicart.com/images/WNR4.jpg
Michael P
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Post by Michael P »

In just about every issue of the All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z, there are both drawings by you, Alan, and drawings that are traced from your lines and have no artist credited. It really makes no sense. If they could go thru all the work to find the image and trace it, why not use the original image and just credit you? I really dont understand their thinking.
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Post by Ilke »

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #9 (released September 27th) includes an illustration of Quicksilver attributed to Alan (from Avengers (Vol.3) #38?). This issue also contains profiles for Saturnyne and Sat-Yr9 which are missing any artist credits, but the illos are based on Alan's art.
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Post by Ilke »

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #10 (released October 25th) includes an illustration of Slaymaster attributed to Alan.
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Post by Ilke »

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z: Update #1 (released January 24th) includes an illustration of Storm attributed to Alan (taken from his recent stint on Uncanny X-Men).

Also, the profile for Arcade includes a small inset illustration of Mr. Chambers that's attributed to Alan.
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